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Here are some GREAT!! site's

These links are my GREATEST friends sites!!

This is the Youth Sunday School Class we went on a Camping Trip!

Some of my Fav sites
AHH!! It's Joel!

Here is Joel's site... He is a great Cousin, who can be very crazy!!! lol

The Board

Here is where you can get alot of our doctorine and have lots of fun!

Here is Ash's site

Here is Ash's site... she is a great great friend!

Amandas page

Here is Mandy's (mom #2) page

My Mom's Realestate site

My Mom's (Sabrina) Realestate site.. The best Real estate agent in Medford Oregon

Here are pics from oregon and Germany!

Here are pics of many different things can you believe pics from Oregon and then from Germany

Listen to our church services!

to listen to our church service's just type in Medford and you can listen in.

Becks page

Becka's website my darlin friend! she's the coolest :D

The one and only Kraigers!!

Kraigs page do i need to say more?? :o)

Andrea Bacco

I meet Andrea on yahoo from Jacob Nimocks and Kraig she is really sweet

Amber's site

My Darlin Cousin what a lovely lady!! I love you Amber!